
CuriDosa System (Internet of Things)

This system used for detecting and alerting intruders in a house. It is based on the Internet of Things using Arduino and Blynk app.

The CuriDosa System is suitable for a variety of applications, including residential homes, offices, and small businesses. Its seamless integration of IoT technology and user-friendly customization options make it a versatile and effective solution for enhancing security and peace of mind.

IoT Connectivity

The CuriDosa System is equipped with IoT capabilities, allowing users to remotely monitor and control the security system through a Blynk app. This feature enhances convenience and accessibility, providing real-time updates on the security status.

Event Logging

The system maintains a detailed event log, recording all instances of triggered alarms and system activities. This log can be accessed remotely, providing users with a comprehensive history of security-related events.


For this project, I'm also awarded Silver Award IIEC Kolej MARA Kuala Nerang for IoT.